Make Your Own Vanilla Rum (It's So Easy)
Vanilla rum is easy to make, and one of the quickest ways to expand your cocktail options and impress your friends. It’s so easy that it doesn’t even make sense to write it out like a typical recipe, with ingredients and step-by-step instructions.
All you need is one long pod of Madagascar Vanilla Bean (available at most health food stores and on Amazon) and a bottle of Montanya Platino Rum.
Place the vanilla pod into the bottle of rum and infuse indefinitely. The sweet spot for flavor starts around day four, but you can use it earlier.
And if you’re wondering what to do with that homemade vanilla rum, we have you covered.
Two of our Favorite Vanilla Rum Cocktails:
The White Room
When we put this rum cocktail recipe on the Tasting Room menu, it didn’t take long for it to become a favorite with locals. Some customers called ahead to order doubles! With vanilla-infused Montanya Platino, Montanya Oro, half and half, simple syrup, and Giffard Orgeat, it’s one of our favorites too.
Wake Up Call
We love adding vanilla-infused rum to this rum and coffee cocktail. Combined with Montanya Oro and a few unexpected flavors borrowed from the Maharaja (a perennial favorite in the Tasting Room), it transforms everyone’s favorite—coffee—into something unexpected.