In the Media: Best New Summer 2019 Tiki Cocktail Recipes


The Jungle Bird featuring Montanya Oro. Get the recipe on Monsters & Critics.

We’re not the only ones doing our best to hold onto summer with some new cocktail recipes. Monsters & Critics asked mixologists and distillers around the country to send in new tiki cocktail recipes “for you to try out before winter hits hard and we’re all wearing Sorel snow boots, and wondering where the snow shovels are.”

Besame restaurateur and Executive Chef Hannah Hopkins (in Steamboat Springs, Colo.) submitted a recipe called “Chief Cashew’s Revenge” featuring Montanya Oro Rum. And the article also included one of our new favorites, the Jungle Bird. You can find both recipes on Monsters & Critics.

Always fun to get inspired by fellow mixologists. Thanks for the shoutout April Neale!


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